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What we do

Business ownership can be very lonely… Even when surrounded by thousands of staff!

It doesn’t have to be that way! Get in touch with Chris Rankin & Associates if you need strategic support. CRA provide Research & Development as well as Strategic, long-term direction for businesses.

Business direction

So you’re ticking along, you’ve made it through many landmines over the years. Sales are good, maybe you have a team around you? But how do you go from a ‘good business’ to a GREAT business… What are the steps you need to take? Where do you even start?

Research & development

You’ve decided on selling a new product/service? Great … Who is the target market? How many people are likely to buy it and how frequent? At what pricing point? How many do you need to sell in order to break-even and better still, a profit?

Development is exciting, just make sure it isn’t because “It just feels right…”. Ensure the decision is backed by ‘fact’ and ‘proof’ it will work.